1:35 US M46 Patton Medium Tank - TAKOM
1:35 US M46 Patton Medium Tank - TAKOM
After determining multiple weaknesses and shortcomings in the M26 Pershing tank after WWII, it was decided that the vehicle would go through various upgrades. Revisions included a new engine and transmission system combined with strong armor protection and the proven 90mm main gun. This improved tank was first designated ‘M26E2’ carrying on the Pershing family name. However, upgrades and revisions became so numerous that it essentially became an entirely new tank, and in 1949 was ultimately re-designated ‘M46’ by the ordnance bureau and renamed in honor of American 4-general George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army during WWII. In total, some 800 M26’s were rebuilt into M46’s at the Detroit Tank Arsenal.
The first M46 Patton tanks (belonging to the 6th Tank Battalion) landed in South Korea on 8 August 1950, with some 200 arriving in country by the end of the year. The M46 Pattons proved far superior to the Soviet-built T-34/85 tanks fighting against them, and ultimately allowed all M26 Pershings and most M4A3 Shermans to be withdrawn by the end of 1951. The M46 was itself withdrawn from service soon after the end of fighting in Korea, but was temporarily leased in limited numbers to several NATO allies for training crews and mechanics how to operate it’s replacement, the M47 Patton.
- Two style of mantlet included
- T80E1 and T84E1 link and length tracks are included
- Tracks assembly jig included
- All hatches can be built open or closed
- Nine types of markings